
  1. 易經四德易經··文言》:君子足以長人嘉會足以利物足以貞固足以幹事君子四德亨利。」

  2. 婦德婦言婦容婦功周禮·天官·九嬪》。文選·范曄·後漢書皇后》:夫人九嬪掌教四德。」四教」、四行」。

  3. 大戴禮·將軍》:孔子四德!』」

  4. 佛教用語特徵大迦葉大寶正法·》:涅槃四德。」

four Confucian injunctions 孝悌忠信 (for men)​, namely: piety 孝 to one's parents, respect 悌 to one's older brother, loyalty 忠 to one's monarch, faith 信 to one's male friends, the four Confucian virtues for women of morality 德, physical charm 容, propriety in speech 言 and efficiency in needlework 功
vier Tugende (des Konfuzianismus)​ (S, Rel)​
